Rabu, 13 Juli 2011


Definition of Culture

According Koentjaraningrat (2000:181) with the word culture comes from the cultural basis sangsakerta "buddhayah", ie the plural of buddhi, which means "kindness" or "reasonable". So Koentjaraningrat, defines culture as "the power of the mind" in the form of copyrights, wills and taste, while culture is the result of creativity, initiative and sense of it.

Koentjaraningrat also explained that basically many scholars who distinguish between culture and “culture”, where culture is a compound growth of aquaculture, which means the power of the mind. However, the study of anthropology, culture is considered an abbreviation of the culture, there is no difference from definition. So, culture or simply "culture", according Koentjaraningrat a "whole system of ideas, actions and results of human work in the framework of community life which belongs to self-made man with learning."

Then, on the other hand Clifford Geertz said that culture is a system of inherited conceptions in symbolic form, which in this way humans can communicate, preserve, and develop knowledge and attitude toward life. (Abdullah, 2006:1)
More specific anymore, E. B Taylor, in his book "Primitive Cultures", defines culture as a complex whole, which is contained inside knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, tradition, and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."( Setiadi, 2007:27)

From the various definitions above, the authors drew the conclusion that culture is a system, which was formed from the behavior of the system, whether it is the behavior of body or mind. And this is closely associated with the movement of society, where the movement is dynamic and in a certain period of time will result in an order or system in a collection of separate communities.

The realization of Culture

J. J Honigmann (in Koenjtaraningrat, 2000) distinguish between the three 'cultural phenomena': ie: (1) ideas, (2) activities, and (3) artifacts, and this is made clear by Koenjtaraningrat with “three states of culture”:
1. Manifestation of culture as a complex of ideas, values, norms, rules and so forth.
2. Manifestation of culture as a complex pattern of activities and actions of human beings in society
3. Manifestation of culture as objects of human work.

About this cultural manifestation, Elly M. Setiadi et al in Books “Social Sciences and Cultural Association” (2007:29-30) gives the following explanation:

1. Being Idea
This manifestation shows of cultural ideas, abstract nature, can not be touched, held or photographed, and its place in the minds of citizens of the respective communities where the culture is alive.
Ideal culture has the function of regulating, controlling, and providing direction to the actions, behavior and actions of human beings in society as a courtesy. This cultural ideal is also called customs.

2. The form of behavior
The realization is called the social system, because it involves actions and patterns of human behavior itself. This manifestation can be observed, photographed and documented because in the social system has activities that interact and relate with each other and interact in society. Concrete is in the form of behavior and language.

3. Being Artifact
This realization is also called physical culture, which was entirely the result of a physical. Most concrete in nature and can be felt, seen and documented. For example: the temples, buildings, clothes, fabrics, computers, etc.

Cultural Elements
Concerning the elements of culture, in his introduction book “ pengantar Ilmu Antropologi”, Koenjtaraningrat, extract prepared from various frameworks that scholars of Anthropology, suggests that there are seven elements of culture that can be found in all the nations of the world came to be called the elements of universal culture, they are:
1. Language
2. Knowledge Systems
3. Social Organizations
4. Living Equipment Systems and Technology
5. Livelihood System
6. Religion System
7. Art

This article explains about culture, the realization of culture, and cultural universal elements. As we know together, every ethnic in the earth or all people of the world have their own cultures. And these cultures aren’t same so the anthropologist make a classification about the realization of culture and and cultural universal elements.
If we say about culture, we can’t leave it with anthropology. The anthropology often says about culture because anthropology is the study about all aspect of human life and culture. It examines such topics as how people life, what they think, what they produce, and how they interact with their environment. Anthropologists try to understand the full range of human diversity as well as what all people share in common.
Anthropology ask such basic question as: when, where, and how did human evolve? How do people adapt to different environment? How have societies developed and changed from the ancient past to present? Answer to these questions can help understand what it means to be a human. They can also help us learn ways to meet the present-day needs of people all over the world and to plan how we might live in the future. (Encharta Encyclopedia).

This article make three definitions of culture, according to Koentjaraningrat, Clifford Geertz and E.B Tylor.
Koentraningrat said that culture is a whole system of ideas, actions and results of human work in the framework of community life which belongs to self-made man with learning."
Clifford Geertz said that culture is a system of inherited conceptions in symbolic form, which in this way human can communicate, preserve, and develop knowledge and attitude toward life. (Abdullah, 2006:1)
E. B Tylor, in his book "Primitive Cultures", defines culture as a complex whole, which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."( Setiadi, 2007:27)
From the various definitions’ above, the author of the article makes a conclusion that culture is a system, which formed from the behavior of the system, whether it is the behavior of body or mind. And he said culture influences the movement of society, the movement is dynamic and in a certain period of the time will result in an order or system in a collection of separate communities. And according to the group, culture is all tradition or custom, which are made and taught by people regularly as a good things and which are continued from the generation to the next generation.

The realization of culture
JJ Hognimann distinguish the three cultural phenomena, ie: ideas, activities, and artifact.
a. Ideas
This manifestation shows of cultural ideas. It is abstract, cannot be touched, held, or photographed, and its place in the minds of citizens of the respective communities where the culture is alive. If the citizens said their ideas in hand-writing, so the location of ideal culture is often in the book or treatise.
Ideal culture has the function of regulating, controlling, and providing direction to the actions, behavior and actions of human beings in society as the courtesy. This cultural ideas is also called customs.
b. Activities
The realization is called the social system, consist of activities the people that being interaction, relationship, and always alternate according to the custom. This social system is concrete in the form of behavior and language. This manifestation can be observed, photographed and documented because in the social system has activities that interact and relate with each other and interact in society
c. Artifact
This realization is also called physical culture, which was entirely the result of a physical. Most concrete in nature and can be felt, seen and documented. For example: the temples, buildings, clothes, fabrics, computers, etc.


Tool or the embodiment of human culture that is used to communicate with each other, either verbal communication or non-verbal communication. Language is a product of man as homo longuens. Through language, social interaction and running well between the parties - parties are communicating.

Knowledge gained through experience, intuition, revelation, and think according to logic, both derived from it or from other people's thoughts. Knowledge is a product of man as Homo sapiens. Humans have the ability to remember, this makes the knowledge can spread widely through the language. For example, knowledge of natural systems such as plants, what plants can be used as drugs, or poisonous, what kinds of plants that can be used as clothing materials, dyes, or builds housing.

Kinship system is a very important part in the social structure. Relationships between people or groups - the group took place according to the rules - the rules and patterns - a specific pattern. In human life, people cannot do any activities alone. He needs the cooperation of the people - people in the surrounding areas. This is a product of man as homo socius. For example, the social system in the society described in detail how to draw the line in a group, kinship, inheritance laws, and rules - the rules of another.

Technology is all the ways that humans use to meet their basic needs. Technology and equipment is a product of man as Homo Faber. Humans produce tools - tools that best meet their needs through the mind (the technology is available). For example, the procedures and tools used for transportation, such as cart, bicycle, automobile, aircraft, ships, etc..

Livelihood of human effort is the way of people to fill n their daily lives everyday. Here, humans act as homo economicus. Examples of these systems, ie: hunting and gathering, farming, grow crops in the fields, fishing, and others - others.

Religious system greatly affects the action - action taken by someone. This system is a system that is difficult to alter. In this system, humans act as homo religious. Examples of these systems, namely: belief in animism, dynamism, totemism, etc.

7. ART
Man as homo esteticus - not only to meet its food needs, but also fills his soul with beauty, both visual and auditory. For example: the art of music, movement arts, and painting.

In the end of the article, group takes a conclusion that culture is a social system about all tradition which are made and taught by people regularly as a good things and which are continued from generation to the next generation.
The realization of culture can consist to 3 phenomena, i.e.: ideas, activities, and artifact.
And the cultural Universal Elements can consist to 7 elements, i.e.: Language, Knowledge Systems, Social Organizations, Living Equipment Systems and Technology, Livelihood System, Religion System, Art.
In every ethnic all over the world certainly have these seven cultural Universal Elements.

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